Thursday, November 8, 2007

10 Steps Towards Becoming Learner 2.0

I have created a blog as part of an online class - really a series of online steps - to become Learner 2.0 literate.

Welcome to 10 Steps Towards Becoming Learner 2.0

This new online program is sponsored by CESA #3's ITSS (Instructional Technology Support Services) program. 10 Steps Towards Becoming Learner 2.0 is a discovery learning program designed to encourage educators to explore new "web 2.0" learning technologies.

This online program is designed to fit into 20 minutes each week, focusing on online tools changing the way people access information and communicate, cooperate, collaborate, and learn online.

What are the 10 steps? See them here! ... See our Frequently Asked Questions page for additional information.

Have questions? Click the "Comments" link below and let 'em fly!

The 10 steps are:

Step 1: Introduction and Google
Step 2: Blogging
Step 3: Images
Step 4: RSS & Newsreaders
Step 5: Tagging & Social Bookmarking
Step 6: Wikis
Step 7: Online Applications & Tools
Step 8: Podcasts
Step 9: Online Video Play
Step 10: Instant Messaging

First Blog and First Post

The title of this blog comes from a favorite poem of mine by Robert Bly entitled Snowbanks North of the House. To me, the poem really gets at the heart of why so many people struggle with the mind's desire to continue learning throughout our lifetime and, as Bly aptly puts it:

The toe of the shoe pivots in the dust ...

And the man in the black coat turns,

and goes backdown the hill.

No one knows why he came, or why he

turned away, and did not climb the hill.

That's all for now - Time to get on to Task Three in becoming a Learner 2.0 (more on this later).